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Treatments for active acne and scarring.

Our Acne programs are tailored to suit each individual’s particular needs for the management of all grades of active acne, as well as for the treatment of acne-damaged skin, including pigmentation and acne scarring. Programs range from topical treatments and peels through to Photodynamic Therapy and various laser and Radiofrequency treatments. Optimal results in acne and acne scarring management are achieved by using a multidisciplinary approach.

About the condition

Acne is a common skin concern that can have a significant psychosocial impact on the individual suffering from it. If it’s not addressed, it also leaves permanent scars. It can affect people of all ages but is most common during puberty.

Acne occurs when the skin follicles become blocked with oil or dead skin cells resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, or nodules.

Acne - About the condition

How it works

Treatment is aimed at overcoming the factors that cause acne. These are increased oil production, blocked oil glands, overgrowth of bacteria, and inflammatory products. Severe acne may require medication, but excellent results can also be obtained with lasers and light sources including in the blue light spectrum and also in combination with Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT).

The options for treatment in the clinic include:

  • Microdermabrasion, and extractions.
  • Peels both micro peels (salicylic acid) and prescription peels (retinoic acid)
  • Laser Peels, where a combination of superficial peels and lasers can give faster and better results, including with the Revlite and Genesis lasers.
  • LED light, especially red light, can help with reducing acne inflammation and controlling sebum production.
  • Photodynamic therapy. A photosensitiser is applied to the skin and left for 60 minutes during which it is absorbed by the sebaceous glands. A light source is then applied to the surface to target the now light sensitive glands. Typically 3 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart are needed, followed by maintenance every 6 to 12 months is necessary.
  • Infini which delivers radiofrequency energy through micro needling can help active acne in certain cases.

Treatment options for acne scars range from surface treatments for very superficial scars (Peels and Microdermabrasion) to laser and needling treatments to treat below the surface of the skin. Lasers start with no downtime lasers such as the Revlite and Genesis to advanced medical lasers such as the latest fractional laser technology (FRAXEL), fractional radiofrequency micro needling (INFINI) and the ultrashort pulse laser procedure of Picotoning.


Treating active acne can significantly improve the appearance of the skin as well as prevent acne scarring. Photodynamic Therapy is reserved for more severe degrees of acne and many doctors feel results as good as Roaccutane can be achieved without the potential side effects of this drug.

Where acne scarring has already occurred significant improvements can be obtained through a series of either radiofrequency or laser treatments.



It depends on the severity of acne and the planned treatment program but before clinic treatments some skin preparation will have been recommended. It is important to remember that a multi-pronged treatment approach is needed in managing acne and that some home skincare routine is essential.


Some acne treatments leave the skin sun sensitive, so sunscreen use is essential. Use an oil-free formulation. Some sunscreens can aggravate acne so you may need to trial a few.

Before and after


Before and after images are presented purely as a reference point of the results that can be achieved. Everyone is unique and outcomes will vary and realistic expectations need to be discussed on a case by case basis.

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